Location & Accommodation
The workshop will begin on Thursday morning and will end late afternoon on Friday.
Cologne offers an extensive choice of accommodation, three suggestions:
For private stays, the city of Cologne charges a tax (5% of the gross overnight price) for the promotion and advancement of culture (Kulturförderabgabe). In order to get an exempt, please fill out the following form and submit it to your hotel (PDF: English/German; Website: English/German).
The workshop will take place in
Room 0.04
Seminar Building
Universitätsstr. 37
50931 Köln
at the University of Cologne; see the map below. You can find more information about public transport here.
Map of university buildings: Below, click the right button to accept the terms of use and privacy policy of UoC and Google Maps; click the left button to accept and save your preference.