- Registration is open until 16 April 2023.
- Please note that some of the reserved rooms have to be booked earlier; see Accommodation.
- Conference fee is 50 €. It includes coffee breaks and a lunch on Thursday (May 4).
- Conference Dinner (à la carte) takes place at Brauhaus Päffgen on Thursday (May 4) and is not included in the conference fee.
Please register via email at cds-workshop(at) and provide the following information:
- Name
- Complete business address
- Will you attend the Conference Dinner?
- Optional: Title and abstract of your contribution (please see below for instructions).
If the number of constributions exceeds the number of open slots for contributed talks, we will offer the opportunity to present a poster instead.
After registration, we will send you a request for payment with an individual invoice number.
Abstract submission
Please use the provided LaTeX template to submit your abstract. Abstracts should be limited to at most 1 or 2 pages.