Welcome to the 2023 edition of the annual workshop of the GAMM Activity Group on “Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science” (COMinDS). This workshop will be hosted by the Center for Data and Simulation Science at the University of Cologne, and it will take place on May 4 and 5, 2023.
This workshop brings together scientists from mathematics, computer science, and application areas working on computational and mathematical methods in data science.
The 2024 GAMM COMinDS workshop will be hosted by TU Delft: searhein.github.io/gamm-cominds-2024.
Invited Speakers
Speaker | Affiliation |
Aleksandar Bojchevski | University of Cologne |
Karen Veroy-Grepl | Eindhoven University of Technology |
Alexander Heinlein | Delft University of Technology |
Sebastian Peitz | Paderborn University |
