Cologne offers an extensive choice of accomodation. To facilitate the accomodation of the meeting attendees, we have reserved a block of rooms at the hotel Flandrischer Hof (see below), near the meeting venue. To reserve a room, you must contact the hotels directly. When booking the accommodation, please make sure to mention the keyword to obtain reduced rates.
- Flandrischer Hof, Flandrische Strasse 3-11, 50674 Köln/Cologne
Keyword "CDS-UzK 2020"
Room price: 76€ (Komfort) or 85€ (Business) per night
Please make your booking before December 5, 2019.
Workshop Venue
The workshop will take place in
Room 004
Seminar Building,
Universitätsstr. 37,
50931 Köln
of the University of Cologne; see the map below.